Polymer Analytics

Research unit | CoreNAT

Polymers built from repeating monomer units include macromolecules of both synthetic and biological origin. While the chemical structure of the repeating units - similar to the structure of small molecules - can be easily identified by NMR and FT-IR analysis, size and mass analysis require specialized methods. Scattering methods such as static and dynamic light scattering (DLS), size exclusion chromatography (GPC), and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) with time-of-flight (ToF) analysis are well suited for this purpose. Simple classical methods such as viscometry and osmometry have been largely superseded in academic routine analysis. The viscosity of polymers in bulk and in solution can be easily determined by rheology even with comparatively small sample volumes, as can the storage and loss modulus of swollen polymer gels or polymer melts.

Devices, services and opportunities for cooperation

Showing results 1 - 18 out of 18

TGA (Netzsch STA 449 F5 Jupiter)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Pulver-Röntgen-Diffraktometer P-XRD (Stoe Theta-Theta)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

FT-IR-Spektrometer (Bruker Tensor 27)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Fluoreszenz-Spektrometer (Agilent Cary Eclipse)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

UV-Vis-Spektrometer (Agilent Cary 4000)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Raman Spektrometer (iHR320Core3, HORIBA)

Heinemann, D. (Head)

Research section Phytophotonics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Timm Landes

E-Mail(s): timm.landeshot.uni-hannover.de

Brillouin Spektrometer (TFP-2, TableStable)

Heinemann, D. (Head)

Research section Phytophotonics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Timm Landes

E-Mail(s): timm.landeshot.uni-hannover.de

Flüssig NMR, JEOL Resonanz ECZS, 400 MHz

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

TGA + MS + IR (Netzsch STA 409 PC LUXX + Massenspektrometer QMS 403 D Aëolos + Infrarotspektrometer BRUKER TGA-IR und InvenioS)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

MAS-NMR (Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonanz, auch Festkörper-NMR); BRUKER Advance III, 600 MHz)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (NMR, 400 MHz, ASC), Bruker, open access

Droste, J. (Head)

Institute of Organic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Benchtop Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (80 MHz, H/F/C), Magritek

Droste, J. (Head)

Institute of Organic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (NMR, 600 MHz), Bruker, service

Droste, J. (Head)

Institute of Organic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (NMR, 500 MHz), Bruker, service

Droste, J. (Head)

Institute of Organic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (NMR, 600 MHz), Bruker, service, Flüssig-NMR & Festkörper NMR, standard Bore

Droste, J. (Head)

Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Mettler Toledo TGA7DSC 3+

Feldhoff, A. (Head)

Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Kerstin Janze

E-Mail(s): kerstin.janzepci.uni-hannover.de

Kernspinresonanzspektrometer (NMR, 400 MHz), Bruker, service

Droste, J. (Head)

Institute of Organic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

GPC Gel Permeation Chromatography (PSS SECcurity²)

Weinhart, M. (Head)

Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Terms of use and fee list

The terms of use define the rules for the services offered by the CoreNAT research infrastructure platform. Attached is a fee list for the use of large-scale equipment or profile-forming equipment or cooperation opportunities for the relevant CoreNAT research service or CoreNAT cooperation area. The price list applies to internal LUH facilities.
Separate contracts are concluded with external scientific or commercially orientated institutions, which regulate the details of the use of equipment and its costs.


Core Facility at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – bundles large-scale equipment, methods, and expertise for collaborative research projects.