The molecular groups DNA, RNA and proteins are at the center of all biological processes. They are functionally linked via the process of protein biosynthesis. In this process, the information, which is usually stored in DNA, is first transcribed into RNA and finally translated into proteins at the ribosomes. The CoreNAT service unit "DNA, RNA, Proteins" offers support for the analysis of these three groups of molecules. Our equipment includes capillary electrophoresis for DNA analysis, chromatography and mass spectrometry systems for protein analysis, as well as numerous other special instruments for the characterization of proteins, which can be taken from the list given below.
Devices, services and opportunities for cooperation
Showing results 1 - 20 out of 28
HPLC; Agilent
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
timsTOF Pro (Bruker)
Braun, H.-P. (Head)
Institute of Plant GeneticsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Holger Eubel
E-Mail(s): heubelgenetik.uni-hannover.de
Orbitrap Q Exactive (Thermo)
Braun, H.-P. (Head)
Institute of Plant GeneticsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Holger Eubel
E-Mail(s): heubelgenetik.uni-hannover.de
Kapillarelektrophorese DNA-Fragment Analyser (Li-Cor )
Debener, T. (Head)
Institute of Plant GeneticsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Marcus Linde
E-Mail(s): lindegenetik.uni-hannover.de
Ultracentrifuge; Beckman Optima XPN-80 up to 800000 x g
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
Centrifuge x 3; Sorvall Lynx 6000 up to 100000 x g
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
KingFisher mL Probenaufreinigungssystem (Thermo Scientific) zur halbautomatischen Aufreinigung von Proteinen, DNA und RNA und Zellen
Köhnke, J.-A. (Head)
Biotechnology of Natural Products SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): jesko.koehnkelci.uni-hannover.de
Hochdruckhomogenisator, Model Continuous Flow Cell disruptor CF1 (Constant Systems)
Köhnke, J.-A. (Head)
Biotechnology of Natural Products SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): jesko.koehnkelci.uni-hannover.de
Free Flow Electrophoresis System (FFE)
Braun, H.-P. (Head)
Institute of Plant GeneticsFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Holger Eubel
E-Mail(s): heubelgenetik.uni-hannover.de
FPLC + MALS; Akta Pure + Wyatt Technologies miniDAWN SEC-MALS + Optilab T-rEX refractometer
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
Class II Biological Safety cabinets x 8; Thermo safe 2020
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
Differential scanning calorimeter (DSC); TA-Instruments, Nano DSC (Microbiology)
Brüser, T. (Head)
Institute of MicrobiologyFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): denise.mehnerifmb.uni-hannover.de
Incubator Shaker x 17; New Brunswick Innova 44R - shake flasks up to 2L
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
Circular dichroism spectrophotometer (CD); Jasco J-815 (Microbiology)
Brüser, T. (Head)
Institute of MicrobiologyFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): denise.mehnerifmb.uni-hannover.de
Multi Angle Light Scattering (MALS); Wyatt miniDAWN TREOS (Microbiology)
Brüser, T. (Head)
Institute of MicrobiologyFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): denise.mehnerifmb.uni-hannover.de
Autoclave x 2; Systec VX-150
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
FPLC + F9-C fraction collector; Akta Pure
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
FPLC + fraction collector; Akta Pure
Cox, R. J. (Head)
Centre of Biomolecular Drug Research (BMWZ)Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
Contact person(s) for booking: Russell John Cox
E-Mail(s): equipmentbmwz.uni-hannover.de
FPLC-Gerät 2: Äkta Pure, Cytiva
Köhnke, J.-A. (Head)
Biotechnology of Natural Products SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): jesko.koehnkelci.uni-hannover.de
FPLC-Gerät 4: Äkta Start, Cytiva
Köhnke, J.-A. (Head)
Biotechnology of Natural Products SectionFacility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation
E-Mail(s): jesko.koehnkelci.uni-hannover.de