
Research unit | CoreNAT

The imaging research service encompasses a wide range of modern and classical methods that can capture spatial structures and properties at different scales – from single cells to entire landscapes. Typical fields of application on the landscape and field scales include, for example, earth surface surveying for the creation of 3D terrain models as well as erosion measurements using terrestrial or UAS (drone)-based laser scanners and photogrammetry, the determination of vegetation indices (e.g. NDVI) and plant physiological states by spectral imaging (VIS-NIR, hyperspectral), or the recording of surface temperatures using high-resolution thermography.

At the microscopic level, in addition to 2D imaging such as confocal, scanning electron and fluorescence microscopy, techniques such as holotomographic microscopy for imaging living cells and X-ray microtomography for detecting the internal structure of solids (e.g. porous media such as rocks or soils) are used.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy can also be used to spatially (2D) quantify the chemical compositions and bonding states of mineral and organic surfaces. Finally, methods of quantitative image analysis, which can be conducted (semi-)automated and AI-based, support the analysis of spatial structures and patterns in terms of their morphological and topological properties.


Devices, services and opportunities for cooperation

Showing results 1 - 20 out of 28

Walz ImagingPam

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Keyence VHX-970F Digitalmikroskop mit 20-200X Vergrößerung

Offermann, S. (Head)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Raster-Elektronenmikroskopie: Kalte-Feldemmision Raster Elektronenmikroskopie (Hitachi Regulus 8230)

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Hyperspektrales Bildgebungssystem (BlackBox, HAIP Solutions)

Heinemann, D. (Head)

Research section Phytophotonics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

FLIR E60bx Infrarot Wärmebildkamera

Heinemann, D. (Head)

Research section Phytophotonics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Dag Heinemann


CI-600, Hersteller CID Bio-Science

Peth, S. (Head)

Soil Science Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Flachbettscanner mit WinRhizo software

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


Aufrechtes Konfokalmikroskop (Leica SP8 mit Festkörperlasern 448, 488,512 und 552 nm)

Witte, C.-P. (Head)

Institute of Plant Nutrition

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Claus-Peter Witte


DJI Mini Pro 3

Burkhard, B. F. (Head)

Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Benjamin Felix Burkhard

Zeiss AxioScope A1

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


Keyence VHX-7000 Digitalmikroskop

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


(Cryo-) Transmissions-Elektronenmikroskopie (Hitachi HT7800), 120kV TEM mit LaB6-Kathode

Polarz, S. (Head)

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Yasar Sven Krysiak


Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie (XPS):Kratos Axis Ultra DLD

Guggenberger, G. (Head)

Soil Science Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Leopold Sauheitl


Rasterelektronenmikroskop (ESEM) mit Energiedispersiver Röntgenspektroskopie (EDX)

Guggenberger, G. (Head)

Soil Science Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Georg Guggenberger, Leopold Sauheitl

Nikon Eclipse Ti Inverses Fluoreszenzmikroskop mit Mikromanipulator Eppendorf InjectMan 4/FemtoJet 4x

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Terrestrischer Laserscanner (TLS) Z+F Imager 5010X

Burkhard, B. F. (Head)

Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Benjamin Felix Burkhard, Frank Beisiegel

Multispektralkamera/spektrale Klassifizierung 

Burkhard, B. F. (Head)

Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Alexander Störmer

DJI Phantom IV Quadrocopter-Drohne

Burkhard, B. F. (Head)

Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Alexander Störmer, Frank Beisiegel

DJI Mavic 3 Enterprise

Burkhard, B. F. (Head)

Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Benjamin Felix Burkhard

3D holo-tomographic microscope, Nanolive, year of acquisition 2018

Lee-Thedieck, C. (Head) & Ngezahayo, A. (Head)

Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Anaclet Ngezahayo


Terms of use and fee list

The terms of use define the rules for the services offered by the CoreNAT research infrastructure platform. Attached is a fee list for the use of large-scale equipment or profile-forming equipment or cooperation opportunities for the relevant CoreNAT research service or CoreNAT cooperation area. The price list applies to internal LUH facilities.
Separate contracts are concluded with external scientific or commercially orientated institutions, which regulate the details of the use of equipment and its costs.


Core Facility at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – bundles large-scale equipment, methods, and expertise for collaborative research projects.