Plant Experimental Unit: Climate and Photosynthesis

Research unit | CoreNAT

The CoreNAT service unit "Plant Experimental Unit – Climate and photosynthesis" comprises central facilities for plant cultivation and for plant growth measurements. Die cultivation environments include field, greenhouse chambers, climate chambers and an in vitro culture lab. In addition, equipment for measuring transpiration and photosynthesis (LICOR) is provided.
This platform also includes a service portfolio for the analysis of plant-soil interactions at the scale of microcosms and mesocosms in the laboratory and from plot to region in the field. The instrument portfolio in the laboratory covers solid, liquid and gas phase isotope mass spectrometry (IRMS), various micro(spectro)scopic techniques and X-ray diffraction, among others. This is complemented by the use of drones for photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanners, and multi- and hyperspectral analysis.

Devices, services and opportunities for cooperation

Showing results 1 - 13 out of 13

Walz ImagingPam

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


3x Licor XT 6400 Photosynthesemessgerät

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Licor XT 6850 Photosynthesemessgerät

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Freilandflächen Herrenhausen

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Building

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


Quantachrome Nova 4000e

Guggenberger, G. (Head)

Soil Science Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Quantachrome Autosorb-1

Guggenberger, G. (Head)

Soil Science Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Leopold Sauheitl


LI-6800, Hersteller LICOR

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Institute of Plant Genetics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


Zentrale Versuchsanlage

Stahlschmidt, O. (Head)

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Facility/Equipment: Research Building

Zentrales In-vitro-Labor

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Building

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann


2x Pflanzenwachstumsschränke mit 450, 515,565,660 und 735nm Wellenlänge zur Beleuchtung

Offermann, S. (Contact)

Institute of Botany

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Offermann


Röntgendiffraktometer Bruker D8 Advance

Mikutta, C. (Head)

Mineralogy Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Massenspektrometer Agilent 8900 Triple-Quadrupole gekoppelt

Mikutta, C. (Head)

Mineralogy Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (IRMS) with EA and GasBench coupling for 18O,13C and 15N analysis in solids.

Heimhofer, U. (Head)

Geology Section

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Ulrich Heimhofer, Francois-Nicolas Frédéric Krencker


Terms of use and fee list

The terms of use define the rules for the services offered by the CoreNAT research infrastructure platform. Attached is a fee list for the use of large-scale equipment or profile-forming equipment or cooperation opportunities for the relevant CoreNAT research service or CoreNAT cooperation area. The price list applies to internal LUH facilities.
Separate contracts are concluded with external scientific or commercially orientated institutions, which regulate the details of the use of equipment and its costs.


Core Facility at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – bundles large-scale equipment, methods, and expertise for collaborative research projects.