Institutes of the Faculty of Natural Sciences

The Faculty of Natural Sciences' 17 institutes, together with strong research partners from around the region, offer outstanding scientific teaching and research opportunities. This is based on the expertise of approx. 50 professors and 650 staff members providing scientific, technical, craftsman and administrative support services.

Locations of the institutes and facilities
Rooms and lecture halls at Leibniz University

View from Königsworther Platz, towards northwest: the main building of the Leibniz University (Welfenschloss). On the left, the Herrenhäuser Allee (avenue).

Behind the main building are the Schneiderberg/Callinstrasse campus area and the Appelstrasse (the high-rise building at Appelstrasse 9a can be clearly seen in the picture, on the right).

At the end of Herrenhäuser Allee adjoins the Herrenhausen campus.