Cell Sorting and Analytics

Research unit | CoreNAT

Cells are the basic building blocks of life. Their sorting and analysis are an essential part of research and development in the life sciences and related fields. This includes the isolation and specific sorting of cells based on physical characteristics and surface markers, as well as the in-depth characterization and analysis of cells and cell behavior.

Devices, services and opportunities for cooperation

Showing results 1 - 8 out of 8

Durchflusszytometer FACS, BD (FACS AriaFusion)

Kara, S. (Head)

Institute of Technical Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Major Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Sascha Beutel

E-Mail(s): beuteliftc.uni-hannover.de

Zellzähl- und Klassiergerät, Roche (Cedex Bio)

Kara, S. (Head)

Institute of Technical Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Dörte Solle

E-Mail(s): solleiftc.uni-hannover.de

Durchflusszytometer CyFlow™ RP-310 Ploidy Analyzer

Winkelmann, T. (Head)

Research section Reproduction and Development

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Traud Winkelmann

E-Mail(s): traud.winkelmannzier.uni-hannover.de

Free Flow Electrophoresis System (FFE)

Braun, H.-P. (Head)

Institute of Plant Genetics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Holger Eubel

E-Mail(s): heubelgenetik.uni-hannover.de

BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer

Kara, S. (Head)

Institute of Technical Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Antonina Lavrentieva

E-Mail(s): lavrentievaiftc.uni-hannover.de

Flow cytometer Northern Lights

Lee-Thedieck, C. (Head)

Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Contact person(s) for booking: Cornelia Lee-Thedieck

Flow cytometer FACSVerse, BD

Lee-Thedieck, C. (Head)

Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

BD FACS AriaFusion Durchflusszytometer

Kara, S. (Head)

Institute of Technical Chemistry

Facility/Equipment: Research Instrumentation

Terms of use and fee list

The terms of use define the rules for the services offered by the CoreNAT research infrastructure platform. Attached is a fee list for the use of large-scale equipment or profile-forming equipment or cooperation opportunities for the relevant CoreNAT research service or CoreNAT cooperation area. The price list applies to internal LUH facilities.
Separate contracts are concluded with external scientific or commercially orientated institutions, which regulate the details of the use of equipment and its costs.


Core Facility at the Faculty of Natural Sciences – bundles large-scale equipment, methods, and expertise for collaborative research projects.