Doing a doctorate does not only mean organising a period of scientific training which is characterised by independent research work in the natural science institutes. A doctorate is also linked to a legally defined administrative process. At the Faculty of Natural Sciences it is based on the German doctoral regulations for the following academic degrees:
- "Doctor of Science" (Dr. rer. nat.) and
- "Doctor of Horticultural Sciences" (Dr. rer. hort.)
Thus, only the German text of the respective doctoral regulations is legally binding. If you have any questions about the administrative process, please contact our team in the doctoral student's office.
Eight Steps to Obtaining a Doctorate with Application Forms
Step 1: Getting accepted by a doctoral supervisor
If you are interested in doing your doctorate, your first step is to contact lecturers who are qualified examiners in your field. Make an appointment for a preliminary discussion of your doctoral project. Find your doctoral project or topic and at least one supervisor for your doctorate, with whom you will clarify the question of financing your doctorate and later (in step 2) conclude a Supervision Agreement.
Questionary and doctoral study guidelines
In order to reflect on and clarify the essential points of doctoral supervision you can use the following questionary as a working aid (and as preparation) for the preliminary discussion with your potential doctoral supervisors. The guidelines for doctoral studies provide lecturers entitled to award doctorates with helpful suggestions for the successful supervision of doctoral students.
Step 2: Getting accepted as a doctoral student by the faculty and enrolment
Your application to be accepted as a doctoral student must be made on the requisite application forms (including Supervision Agreement and appendices). The faculty will accept you as a doctoral student if you fulfil the admission requirements. After receiving your notification of acceptance you must register as a doctoral student at Leibniz University Hannover and undertake your doctoral project.
Application forms
- Please be the first to save the application documents locally on your computer.
- Please use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete these forms.
- It is essential that you observe the instructions for filling in and
- the data protection information in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) and the Lower Saxony Data Protection Act (NDSG).
Step 3: Submitting your doctoral thesis and applying for admission to the doctoral examination
As soon as you have finished and submitted your doctoral thesis, you must apply to be admitted to the doctoral examination. Please note the deadlines and submit the required application documents (including all appendices). The procedure for the doctoral examination commences officially when the Faculty Council has reached a decision on your application. Reviewers who are qualified examiners will be appointed to review your doctoral thesis.
Application documents
- Please be the first to save the application documents locally on your computer.
- Please use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete these forms.
- It is essential that you observe the instructions for filling in and
- the data protection information in accordance with the Basic Data Protection Ordinance (DSGVO) and the Lower Saxony Data Protection Act (NDSG).
Step 4: Display of the doctoral thesis and the reviews
The reviews and your doctoral thesis will be displayed in the Doctoral Students' Office for at least two weeks so that the other qualified examiners of the faculty can read them. Your doctoral thesis is deemed to have been accepted when the reviewers have recommended it be accepted and when no objections have been submitted by other qualified examiners during the display period.
Step 5: Setting the oral examination or thesis defence
There must be at least five working days between the date and time (and location) being announced and the examination/ thesis defence.
Step 6: Oral examination or thesis defence and overall assessment of the doctoral research
When determining the overall assessment for the doctoral work, the grade of the doctoral thesis shall carry a weighting of 2/3. (PromO Section 11 Para. 4 Cl. 1)
Step 7: Publication of the doctoral thesis
The approved final version of the doctoral thesis must be published within one year of passing the oral examination or the thesis defence. For more information, please visit the TIB website.
Step 8: Conferral of doctorate
The doctorate shall be conferred by handing over or delivering the doctoral diploma after you have proved that the doctoral thesis has been published and provided proof that you have returned all the resources which were temporarily made available to you for your doctoral project.
All fields on the form must be completed in full on the computer. Mandatory fields have a red border. The Doctoral Students’ Office needs much more time to process handwritten application documents and is thus unable to accept such documents.
Should you require special character formats (italics, subscripts, superscripts) for the title, please adopt the following procedure: first write the text, then mark the place in the text, click the right mouse button and select the desired option using “Textstil” (text style).
Then print out the completed form (single page/ only front pages) and add the place, date and your signature by hand.
Deadlines and display periods
30419 Hannover