Faculty Council

The Faculty Council counts seven elected members from the group of university lecturers and two elected members each from the students, the academic mid-level staff and the technical and administrative staff. The members with voting rights are organised in status groups.
As a rule, one member of the doctoral students' representation participates in the meetings of the Faculty Council in an advisory capacity. The Faculty Council is chaired by the Dean or their representative in office.


According to the faculty council's regulations, the members meet at least once a month during the lecture period in a meeting that is open to the public. It can exclude the public for individual agenda items and allow guests to speak.

Personnel and personal examination matters must be dealt with in closed session.

Faculty council's regulations [PDF]


Meeting dates

Sommer semester 2025

  • 09 April 2025
  • 07 May 2025
  • 04 June 2025
  • 02 July 2025

Time and place of the meetings

Starting from 14:15
The location will be announced later.

If the meeting is conducted digitally via video conference, information is provided accordingly.

Doctoral students: proposals to the council

Members of the faculty council

Representatives for Professors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dag Heinemann
Prof. Dr. Marcus Andreas Horn
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helge Küster
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marie Weinhart
Prof. Dr. Claus-Peter Witte

Deputy Representatives for Professors

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Selin Kara

Student Representatives

regulated personal dataset
regulated personal dataset

Deputy Student Representatives

regulated personal dataset

Representatives for Research Staff

Dr. Andreas Michael Schneider

Deputy Representatives for Research Staff

apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Armin Feldhoff

Technical and administrative staff representatives

Representatives for Doctoral Candidates

regulated personal dataset

Deputy Representatives for Doctoral Candidates

regulated personal dataset

Lists with personal details and contact addresses are generated automatically from the staff and organisation directory at Leibniz University Hannover (EPV). This is the central point for the recording and administration of all data and addresses.

Faculty of Natural Sciences: contact details of persons, institutes, facilities as well as committees, officers, etc.