Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Nutrition Study on the Effect of Mineral Water Against Chronic Constipation: Call for Participation

Nutrition Study on the Effect of Mineral Water Against Chronic Constipation: Call for Participation

With the nutritional ‘SMART Study’, the Institute of Food Science and Human Nutrition, under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Hahn, is investigating the contribution that two different mineral waters with different levels of sulphate and magnesium can make in people with chronic constipation.

Background to the study

Functional constipation, i.e. constipation and discomfort during defecation without any organic causes, is found in 10 to 15 per cent of the population. There are many different treatment options. A central element is a change in diet and lifestyle. Mineral water can make a valuable contribution here. Initial studies have indicated that the consumption of sulphate- and magnesium-rich mineral waters can improve the symptoms of functional constipation.

Participation is free of charge and can be done from the comfort of your own home.

Healthy individuals between the ages of 18 and 75 who have been suffering from constipation for at least six months can participate. During the four-week study, participants will receive two mineral waters provided by the institute, of which 1.5 to 2 litres will be drunk per day. After a seven-day familiarisation period, during the actual three-week study phase and at the end of the study, various surveys will be conducted using online questionnaires. It is not necessary to be present at the institute.

Advantages of participating in the study

The study investigates the effects of consuming different mineral waters on various aspects of chronic constipation. Study participants will be accompanied by a baseline survey (at the beginning of the study) and a final survey (at the end of the study). After completing the study, you will receive your personal results on the main outcomes (stool frequency, symptom severity). You will also receive information about your personal transit time and a detailed list of specific dietary recommendations for improving symptoms of chronic constipation.

If you are interested, please contact the study team by phone on 0511 762 5931 or by email.