Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Hansjörg Küster Honoured with the Lower Saxony Order of Merit 1st Class

Hansjörg Küster Honoured with the Lower Saxony Order of Merit 1st Class

On 13 May 2023, Prof. Dr Hansjörg Küster was awarded the Lower Saxony Order of Merit 1st Class by Minister-President Stephan Weil for his services to the state of Lower Saxony. Hansjörg Küster has rendered outstanding services in particular through his 18 years as honorary President of the Lower Saxony Heritage Society (Niedersächsischer Heimatbund) (2004-2022).

The "Red Folder" as an instrument of direct democracy

The Lower Saxony Heritage Society is the umbrella organisation of the numerous local history and citizens' associations in the state. One of its important tasks is the annual publication of a "Red Folder" with submissions from the population on nature conservation, landscape, monument preservation, archaeology, history and languages, which is presented by the President of the Heritage Society to the Minister-President of the state at the Lower Saxony Day. This is answered with a "White Folder" containing the answers of the state government and administration to the submissions in the "Red Folder". The exchange of the folders is a very efficient instrument of direct democracy that now has a long tradition.

Local history and preservation: award for many years of commitment in the Lower Saxony Heritage Association

In his role as President of the Lower Saxony Heritage Society, Hansjörg Küster emphasised the fields of activity of its contributors during his speech on the occasion of the presentation of the Red Folder last year:
"Nature and environmental protection, exploration and care of the cultural landscape, its history from the settlement of an area, life and events in the locality, archaeology, building culture and monument preservation, the two regional and minority languages, traditions as well as customs and traditions (some of which are considered intangible cultural heritage). Local cultural heritage and its preservation are multifaceted, inter- and transdisciplinary - Preservation of local history is community work." [Speech at the 101st Lower Saxony Day in Lüneburg on 21.5.2022.]

The Faculty of Natural Sciences congratulates on the award!