Faculty of Natural Sciences GRANAT Dates and events
Be your own Model of Success: Creating Dream Jobs
15 Nov
15. Nov. 2024 16. Nov. 2024
Workshop | GRANAT

Be your own Model of Success: Creating Dream Jobs

Have you thought about what you would like to do after graduation or whether you could change something about your current professional situation or whether you would prefer to be a leader yourself? This workshop addresses these questions, based on the bestseller "Business Model You". The workshop is designed to be held on campus.

Key data:

  • Course language: German
  • Duration: 12 hours, 2 dates
  • Course number: 80008

Deadline for registration: 02 october 2024

This course requires German language proficiency.

For registration and further information:

Details  are German content only.


Andreas Voss (people&friends)


15. Nov. 2024 16. Nov. 2024

Registration deadline

02. October 2024


Campus Herrenhausen
Building: 4104
Room: 063
Herrenhäuser Straße 2
30419- Hannover
show on map