Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Tribute to Christoph Peterhänsel | 2008–2017 Professor at the Institute of Botany

Tribute to Christoph Peterhänsel | 2008–2017 Professor at the Institute of Botany

The Faculty of Natural Sciences sadly announces the loss of Professor Dr. Christoph Peterhänsel.

Christoph Peterhänsel was appointed Professor of Botany in 2008 at the Institute of Plant Sciences, today's Institute of Botany, where he worked until he left active service at the end of 2015 and retired in 2017. In his research, he made significant contributions in the field of plant photorespiration and epigenetics.

He was a highly honoured mentor, reliable friend and valued colleague, and his death fills us with great sadness. He passed away following a prolonged and grave illness at the young age of 56. Despite the challenging health restrictions that forced him to end his active time at the Institute, he met his fate with impressive dignity and strength. He devoted his final years to his family, whilst still being surrounded by friends and people from the faculty who valued his wisdom and friendship.

We mourn the loss of an extraordinary person and scientist who leaves a lasting gap in our community. We will remember Prof Peterhänsel as an inspiring colleague, mentor and friend. Our sincere condolences go out to his family.