10 Sep
10. Sep. 2021 21. Sep. 2021
Summer School | GRANAT

Summer School Entrepreneurship

GRANAT Advanced training courses

In September 2021, GRANAT organizes the well-proven Summer School Entrepreneurship online at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. The Summer School will be held in German. Under the title "Entrepreneurial Thinking and Acting - Ways to Self-Employment!", master''s students, doctoral students, scientific employees and postdocs of the natural science disciplines can develop their own business ideas with the help of experts from the start-up industry.


By 03.09.21: Submit survey response on business idea.
10.09.2021: binding preliminary meeting with group allocation
13.09.-17.09. plus 20.-21.09 2021: School Entrepreneurship

Registration deadline: 09.08.2021

 Further information and registration


10. Sep. 2021 21. Sep. 2021

Registration deadline

09. August 2021