Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Outstanding Services: Prof. Butenschön Receives Honorary Citizenship of Leibniz University

Outstanding Services: Prof. Butenschön Receives Honorary Citizenship of Leibniz University

© LUH/Lena Wöhler
Die Mitglieder der Senats-Arbeitsgruppe „Verleihung und Entzug von Titeln während der NS-Zeit“ v.l.n.r.: Dr. Michael Jung, Prof. Dr. Holger Butenschön, Mechtild von Münchhausen, Lars Nebelung

Prof. Dr. Holger Butenschön from the Institute of Organic Chemistry was awarded honorary citizenship of Leibniz University. The title acknowledges individuals who have contributed significant service to the university.

Professor Butenschön was appointed to the Institute of Organic Chemistry in 1993. He was a member and speaker of the University's Senate from 2011 to 2021. He was particularly committed to the process of coming to terms with the National Socialist era at LUH. The Senate working group he chaired on the "Awarding and Withdrawal of Titles during the Nazi Era" received nationwide attention.

Even after his retirement in 2021, he continues his services: With the Curie AG, he has been fascinating pupils interested in science since 2009 and keeps moulding young scientists.