Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Materials Science and Engineering: Paul Heitjans receives Heyn Memorial Coin for an Outstanding Life's Work

Materials Science and Engineering: Paul Heitjans receives Heyn Memorial Coin for an Outstanding Life's Work

At the DGM Day 2022: Paul Heitjans (in centre) receives the award, presented by Martina Zimmermann and Gerhard Schneider (DGM Presidents)

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde e.V. (DGM) awards Prof. Dr. Paul Heitjans the Heyn Memorial Coin 2022, their most prestigious award. The DGM is the largest technical-scientific society in the field of materials science and engineering in Europe, named after its co-founder Emil Heyn. The engineer pioneered microscopic metallographic examinations and their applications. Every year, researchers who have rendered outstanding services in the field of materials science and technology are honoured in his memory.

Prof. Dr. Paul Heitjans, Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry (PCI), is being awarded in particular for his basic research results on lithium and its compounds. He was one of the first to research solid lithium ion conductors or solid-state electrolytes with a view to their application in batteries. The scientist counts numerous publications and project funding from various third-party funding bodies such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He was also the spokesperson for the Collaborative Research Centre "Local Particle Motion, Transport and Chemical Reactions in Ion Crystals" and the DFG research group "Mobility of Li-ions in Solids". Prof. Heitjans was also involved in the development of the Centre for Solid State Chemistry and New Materials at Leibniz University and was honoured with the Lower Saxony Professorship in 2016. His work is being continued by several of his more than 40 students at universities and research centres.