Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Digital exams: Jutta Papenbrock presents e-portfolio for teacher training programmes

Digital exams: Jutta Papenbrock presents e-portfolio for teacher training programmes

Zu sehen sind neben Jutta Papenbrock (vierte v.r.) alle Fellows der ersten Ausschreibungsrunde. (Bildquelle: Hochschulnetzwerk Digitalisierung der Lehre Baden-Württemberg)

Competence cluster for digital exams

Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock from the Institute of Botany, together with Maximilian Tietz, (ZQS/ E-Learning Service) receives funding to research the potential of digital examination methods. In the project Prüfung hoch III Drei forward-looking examination innovations are sponsored by the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany as part of the anniversary initiative Wirkung hoch 100. Nine fellows and fellow tandems were selected after the first call for proposals, and their expertise will provide impetus for teaching and examination operations.

Sustainable learning: competences over knowledge

In a teacher training programme, students face the challenge of combining subject knowledge with pedagogical-didactic methods and also using these in practical phases. "An e-portfolio offers the chance to collect important and particularly interesting module contents and one's own ideas about them and to save them for later reference. We would like to initiate portfolio work in the first module of the degree programme. The maintenance of the e-portfolio is to be continued over several modules in the course of the study and regularly assessed via peer reviews," Jutta Papenbrock describes the portfolio. At the end of the Bachelor's programme, after an oral presentation, the e-portfolio performance would be credited with its own module grade. Ideally, the e-portfolio would be continued in the Master's programme and anchored in the module catalogue there as well. It could voluntarily be continued into the third phase of teacher education and even into professional life.

With this project, Ms Papenbrock continues her commitment to competence-oriented learning and teaching formats and digitally supported teaching methods, for example through 3D modelling of biological and chemical learning content.