Faculty of Natural Sciences Faculty News and events
Armin Feldhoff is the 2022 Rankin Awardee of the American Ceramic Society

Armin Feldhoff is the 2022 Rankin Awardee of the American Ceramic Society

Prof. Kyle Brinkman (left) is handing over the D.T. Rankin Award plaque to apl. Prof. Dr. Armin Feldhoff.

At the 124th annual meeting of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, apl. Prof. Dr. Armin Feldhoff received the D. T. Rankin Award 2022.
This award honours members of the Society who have rendered outstanding contributions to the Energy Materials and Systems of the American Ceramic Society. The award is presented annually in memory of D. Thomas Rankin: The award’s namesake was an advisory scientist and a programme manager of the plutonium immobilization programme at the Savannah River Technology Center, SRTC (now Savannah River National Laboratory, SRNL), he served as chairman of the former ACerS Nuclear and Environmental Technology Division.

ACerS, with its more than 11,000 member from more than 70 countries, is a leading expert association to foster research, knowledge and application of ceramics and related materials to the well being of society. The Energy Materials and Systems Division represents the ACerS in matters pertaining to the science and engineering of ceramic and glass materials and related technology, as they apply to the harvesting, conversion, storage, transport and utilization of energy. Now the Division has grown to more than 600 members worldwide.

As inaugural chair of the Energy Materials and Systems Division, Armin Feldhoff has successfully launched several initiatives during his term of office from 2019 to 2021: Several graduate students could be attracted as volunteers to Division activities via the Global Graduate Researcher Network (GGRN) program of ACerS. A Virtual Meet and Mingle “Energy Materials and Systems” in November 2020 is continued in the ACerS Frontiers of Ceramics and Glass Webinar Series with a distinguished speaker hosted by the Energy Materials and Systems Division annually.
In January 2023, the Journal of the American Ceramic Society publishes a special issue on Energy Materials. Armin Feldhoff is one out of four Guest Editors. In 11 papers, the following primary topics are covered: Energy harvesting, fuel cells, solar energy conversion, batteries and capacitive storage, storage and conversion.

Armin Feldhoff acted as the initiator and lead organiser for the symposium “Energy Materials for Sustainable Development” at MS&T’21, Materials Science and Technology (combined annual meeting of three societies including The American Ceramic Society), and continued to be co-organiser of the symposium at future MS&T meetings (MS&T’22, MS&T’23). 
He was lead organiser of the focused session “Materials for Thermoelectrics” at ICAAC’21 and co-organiser of the focused session at ICAAC’22. He is co-organiser of the focused session “Materials for Thermoelectric and Thermionic Energy Conversion” at ICAAC’23, the 47th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites.

Armin Feldhoff was member of the Programming Committee of EHS 2019, EHS 2021 and continued with EHS 2022, the 5th Annual Energy Harvesting Society Meeting, organised through The American Ceramic Society. EHS 2023 will be held combined with Materials Challenges in Alternative & Renewable Energy 2023 (MCARE 2023) in Bellevue, WA, USA, from August 21 to 24, 2023.