LIAG-Seminar: Luminescence and ESR Trapped-Charge Thermochronometry of the Himalayas
Chloé Bouscary: Luminescence and ESR trapped-charge thermochronometry of the Himalayas
Two end-member competing models have been proposed to describe the kinematics of the central Nepal Himalayas in the last few mio. years. They differ in their interpretations of which surface breaking faults accommodate current shortening and the kinematics responsible for driving rapid exhumation in the topographic transition zone in the High Himalayas. Trapped-charge thermochronometry (luminescence and ESR) provides much tighter constraint on late-stage cooling histories than other thermochronometric systems, providing new information on the potential main factor responsible for the exhumation of the High Himalayas.
26. Nov. 202411:00 - 12:00
Geozentrum HannoverGroßer Sitzungssaal
Stilleweg 2
30655 Hannover